Photoselective Vaporesection of the Prostate with 180W Green Laser: Surgical Technique and Experience After 75 Procedures
The objective of this report is to detail our approach and technique for GreenLight XPS drawing on department experience
This is a prospective study of 75 patients undergoing Green Laser vaporization of the prostate between November 2012 and February 2015. Their average age, prostate size, and International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) were 72.3±7.3 yr, 52.4±34.0ml, and 25.9±4.0, respectively.
The operative technique is detailed in the video.
In all cases, Green Laser vaporization was successfully performed, with a mean operating time of 57 minutes (range 20-120 minutes). In most cases, we used just one fibre, the mean energy released being 170.000 Joules (range 80.000-270.000). The mean hospital stay was 36 hours.. All patients were catheter-free after 1 week. The mean urinary peak flow increased from the preoperative value of 8.5 mL/sec to 23.7 mL/sec . The mean IPSS decreased from 19.0 to 9.5 and 7.5 at 3 and 6 months. One major complications occurred intraoperatively Two patients were admitted for secondary hematuria and urinary infection, and 7 patients presented irritative low urinary tract symptoms.
Green Laser 180 W PVP is a technique that is effective and safe for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.